Bongs & Accessories | onewholesale.ca | #1 Source for Headshops — Tagged "Thickness: 3.2 mm, Size: 8 inches under, Materials: Glass" — One Wholesale Skip to content
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Bongs | Rigs | Hookahs


Bong allows you to filter cannabis smoke through water filtration. It allows for smoke to be optimally cooled, resulting in much smoother, cleaner, and stronger inhales. Bongs are also great for those looking to achieve an intense high using less marijuana as compared to other methods of smoking cannabis.


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6" changing color glass bong


No, you haven't smoked too much; this water bong really does change colors when you are using it! The change is triggered by the change in temperat...

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8" Clear glass beaker water bong [ WF001 ]


Indulge in the simplicity of our elegant, handcrafted 8" Clear Glass Beaker Water Bong [WF001]. Made with the finest quality glass, this timeless p...

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5.5" changing color glass water bong


No, you haven't smoked too much; this water bong really does change colors when you are using it! The change is triggered by the change in temperat...

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